One of the more sophisticated logos that I made. It was for an Aeronomy-Lab headed mission that took place
in 1997 and was based out of Fairbanks, Alaska (star). For this logo, I needed to combine a bitmap
(the ER-2 airplane) with a vector graphic. CorelDraw allows to crop bitmaps with as many nodes as needed
- a very powerful tool and excellent for just this purpose. Initially, I had a northern light and the big
dipper in this logo, but it was decided to keep it out in favor of a more lean, clean image. The North Star
is still there, right above the north pole. The frame has a bit of a 3-D look, a theme that I applied to
some of my latest logos (LACE, BLAST III), I like it. Note that one of the sun rays points to Boulder,
Colorado, which would be just outside of the frame on the lower right! Jürgen's subtleties...
Here's some more info on the mission: POLARIS - the project.