The third in HATS's series of BLAST cruises. I kept Elsethea, the sea serpent, because she was already too established to
ignore her. It's actually a sister of Elsethea's: if you compare the BLAST logos, you will notice that
this sea serpent is shorter than the other ones. The serpents in the ice just don't grow as tall!
This was a mission in the Antarctic Ocean, we spent about 6.5 weeks zig-zagging through the ice,
on the hunt for methyl bromide (again). This
logo is the first one where I used a real image as a background, a photo that I took somewhere halfway
through the cruise on one of three sunny days during the entire mission. The result is a beautiful logo,
one of my favorites, but -back then - it was a pain to print it: the print file from CorelDraw exceeded
360 mb (I killed it eventually), and even the bitmap file from PhotoPaint took up 72 mb and about an hour
to print on a color laser. The little map shows our wiggly cruisetrack, one of Antarctica's inhabitants (totally funny creatures!) and the iceberg has a plot of the methyl bromide saturation anomaly on it. Note the reflections of the sun (I used a star filter to create that hexagonal pattern), which repeat on a line that ends in the NOAA logo! Here's some more info on the cruise: click here and select the BLAST III homepage.